By Susan Wilson, Community Champion
Our annual Christmas pressie collection has started! We are collecting for local charities dealing with vulnerable families and local care home residents.
Look out for our Christmas box at the front of the store where you can donate new toys, toiletries, hats, warm clothing, gloves, scarves, and books. We also welcome donations of tins of sweets or biscuits, dressing gowns, warm PJs, and toiletries for care home residents as there are lots of people without families.
We’ve already had a generous donation from Cardinal Winning Secondary School in Tollcross who has children with additional support needs. Miss Reid, science teacher said: “The current 3rd-year science group has been learning about climate change in the lead up to Cop 26. As part of their topic, they decided to do something to raise some money for a local ‘green’ charity. We made some very popular friendship bracelets to sell and raised £30 - the pupils were delighted! As we have had lots of help from Susan and plant donations from B&Q we decided we would like to give something back.”
I was delighted to receive the donation and used it to buy face cloths, bars of soap, jars of coffee, and crossword books for the local food bank and care home.
Our in-store community bookcase continues to generate funds which we’ve used to make donations of selection boxes, toiletries, and food to loads of local groups. Please keep donating and buying books as it really does help!
Follow us on Facebook: Parkhead Forge Community and on Twitter: @suzieq1402.