After months of isolation and hibernation here are a few tips to emerge from lockdown looking and feeling rested and regenerated. Get out of those joggers, it’s time to put your jeans and dresses back on and look forward to brighter days ahead.
Move Your Body
Exercise, stretch and just start moving your body in any way that appeals to you; walk, jog, cycle, run or dance around your living room. Yoga and Pilates are amazing for breathing and calming anxiety. Exercise will release endorphins hormones which will make you feel better and give you more energy.
Make Time for You
Invest in yourself. Perhaps you have been busy looking after everyone else this lockdown you have forgotten about you. Always remember you have to look after yourself before anyone else. Run that bath, wash and blow-dry your hair. Relax, light that candle, read that book and unwind and take some time for yourself.
Nourish to Flourish
Eat well. Coming into warmer weather and brighter, longer days means we can all start to make healthier food choices. Scottish Slimmer’s have quick, fantastic recipes available free online and remember to drink more and more water. Start a skincare routine, invest in aromatherapy oils and put make-up on again. Book a hair appointment and spend a little bit longer looking after you.
Treat Yourself
You have lived through a pandemic, living under tough restrictions you need a big pat on the back! Well done! However, there is hope and we are starting to turn a corner and it looks like the end might be finally in sight. Use this time to spoil and treat yourself. Buy that new dress or top. Reconnect with friends, be thoughtful and be kind to others and stay safe and have wonderful, happy spring and summer
Stay Safe
Love Jill xx
Jillian is the owner of Heart Style Fashion & Gift Boutique, Blairgrove Shopping Centre, Coatbridge. Shop online at